So, dear readers, I attended the Jewish synagogue Friday night and I have to say this was the most out of my element experience I have had thus far and I absolutely loved it! First and foremost I LOVED the music! It was wonderful, very catchy, I wanted to dance! And at some point I think I may have done just that!
The temple was huge, and of course the abscence of crosses was a bit strange. The star of David was of course, quite prevalent. An extremely nice older man sat next to me, I explained my project to him and he jumped right in, filling me in on all things Jewish and answered all my questions! The prayer book was interesting, as it opened from back to front. Most of the prayers and songs were in Hebrew but the translations were right there in the book. They had a woman rabbi, which I had not been aware that women could be or were rabbis, but yes, they are. I really enjoyed the verbatim that she had with the congregation. During parts of the service you are asked quesitons and everyone gives his or her opinion. She brought up a story about Noah and Abraham, and we were asked which one we identified with. You then turned to the person/s next to you to discuss this and then shared your answers out loud with the rabbi. I really enjoyed this sort of participation. This is something I am not in the Christian churches I have attended, in the bible classes yes, but not in church. Afterward I was invited downstairs where we had food and a toast. I spoke briefly with the rabbi who was very welcoming and invited me to attend the welcome to judaism classes that start next month. I am seriously considering going. I may go to temple again, just to go. I do love Jesus though....