Sunday, November 1, 2009

Week Thirteen: Its Mormon Week!

Its finally Mormon week! While I don't know a lot about Mormons I want to say first and foremost that that I have been immensely impressed by the Mormons I have known. They seem to be really great people, albeit a little too damn happy for me! Yes, just like that episode of South Park.

So what do I know about Mormons? I know they were started by Joseph Smith. He claims God had appeared to him and told him to start his own religion. Now, word on the street is that Joseph Smith was working in the field that day, came across some "magic mushrooms" and that this epiphany was really a pre 1960's acid trip. Don't hate me Mormons, I didnt start this rumor!

I know that Mormons don't drink alcohol or caffiene and that it's really a small sect of them that actually live in polygamy. I know they follow the Book of Mormon, which was published in 1830 by Joseph Smith, they were found buried near his home and he had been directed to their whereabouts by an angel. They were written on golden plates and in what Smith called "reformed Egyptian". They were said to tell of the second coming of Jesus Christ although no one but Smith ever saw the plates.

There is a lot I need to learn this week about Mormonism. There are a lot of discrepancies out there about them. As I mentioned in an earlier post I have been told that Mormons are not Chirstians, which has something to do with the doctrinal differences.

I will be calling the Mormon church this week and see what else I can learn about the Mormons. I will also try to find a copy of The Book of Mormon and read into that a bit.

More to come!