Well its finally Jehovah's Witness week. I have to say I know I would go into each religion with an open mind, but this one is going to be tough for me! My ex is a Jehovah's Witness and a self described nutcase. He blames all his problems ( and trust me there are MANY) on having been raised Jehovah's Witness. He didn't get birthday parties, didn't get to celebrate Christmas like his many classmates. Apparently his mother wouldn't let him have friends that weren't JW's. Blah, blah, blah. I do believe that many of his problems stemmed from being isolated as a child due to his parents religious beliefs. I feel if you are going to raise your children in such a individualized religion that its important to have others with the same beliefs as you around as much as possible (private schools, etc). Since he attended only public school he felt isolated much of the time.
That being said I have a dear friend who is also a JW. She is not [as much] of a mess (love you Reida!).
So, what do I know about JW besides the constant "harassment" at my front door?! I know they don't celebrate holidays, or birthdays. I still am not clear on why. I know Jesus was a Jew and Jews do celebrate many holidays including birthdays. I know they are adamant about going door to door to spread the word. I know they don't believe or refuse to fight in wars of any kind. I know they don't believe in hell, which makes it hard for me to understand why they don't partake in the fore mentioned activities to begin with!
"I can't celebrate my birthday, I'll go to hell!"
" No you won't! "
"Oh, OK then..!!!"
Well this is going to be interesting, maybe for the first time EVER, someone will be knocking on a Jehovah's Witnesses door!
Stay tuned!