Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Finally, Seventh Day Adventist

Well I finally got around to meeting with the pastor of the Seventh Day Adventist Church and I have to say I found myself a little disappointed. As I have previously mentioned I attended SDA briefly during my childhood and was looking forward to talking with them. I like their overall view of things, which is basically that you need to take care of yourself , that Jesus wants you to be healthy and they promote healthy living and eating. Their diets, while not as strict as kosher, are very similiar. We talked for quite a while, I discussed my "quest" for God, we prayed and he explained quite a bit about the religion, some of it I was already aware of.

To be honest, things were going well until I asked the pastor about their views on homosexuality. He informed me that he treats homosexuals as he would singles, that they should abstain (forever?), that he believe it is a lifestyle and gay people should pray for themselves to be healed. I guess I was a little taken aback, I still can't believe that people think this way.

I, personally don't believe that anyone "chooses" to be gay, no more so than I choose to be straight. It's not a choice, its not a lifestyle. Science everyday seems to be backing those beliefs. Its this kind of "shame" and "repression" that have lead so many gay people to turn to drugs and alcohol and live a life filled with pain. I can't be a part of a church that would shun anyone because of the way they are. Something they certainly didn't choose.

Beyond that this is another church that is very "Jesus laden". Don't get me wrong, I love Jesus, I just don't like the way so many churches are interpretting Him and what He was about. I'm not so sure that they get it, what He was really all about. The God I believe in wouldn't create someone a certain way and then proclaim their natural sexual proclivity a sin.

The more Christian churches I attend the more I am leaning towards Judaism. I immediately went and had lox and bagels.